Chlorine dioxide based Products

ViraNill range of products are based on Chlorine Dioxide technology. As everyone is aware, Chlorine dioxide is a much better disinfectant compared to other disinfectants like, chlorine or Quats. Chlorine dioxide does not form any hazardous byproducts and more human friendly.

Our product line include

ViraNill Gel – Useful for Personal protection against Virus / Bacteria. It can be carried anywhere easily and used. Just open to get ClO2 and close it to store it.

ViraNill R – for protection of larger rooms. It is easily activated with by addition of water and release ClO2 in slow manner, to provide protection to gathering of people. Useful for marriage halls, conference halls, Malls, show rooms, office space etc.

ViraNill H is for deeper cleaning of area, using higher concentration of ClO2 – like fumigation. It has to be used with caution, in the absence of people. After the application, it is important to evacuate the gas inside, before normal use. Useful for deep cleaning of operation theatres, party halls, after every use.

ViraNill Spray – is provided as liquid / solid in a pouch to generate liquid in situ. The liquid can be sprayed using a hand sprayer / mechanical sprayer on hand touch areas like entrances, toilets, canteen etc.

Clohance – is the chlorine dioxide based product, which is useful for washing vegetable / fruits / meat / fish items – to eradicate the bacteria / virus on them and improve the shelf life of products.

Clohance Gel – for providing ClO2 protection to Agri produce during transport / storage.

OdoZap –  It’s a Chlorine dioxide product, which can e activated with water.  It shall remove smell, including cigarette smell from rooms / cabins/ car.  Just keep it open inside the room, and it can remove any bad smell from the room.

OdoZap – Gel – It’s a Chlorine dioxide gel, which shall remove smell, including cigarette smell from rooms / cabins/ car.  Just keep it open inside the room, and it can remove any bad smell from the room.

CrystalPool – It is chlorine dioxide disinfectant product, to maintain the swimming pools, with out chlorine.  More Human friendly, easy to use and keep the pools cleaner. 

ViraNill Gel User manual

ViraNill Gel
  1. ViraNill Gel is provided in premix form.
  2. Open the container lid, remove the inner seal, add 100 ml water.
  3. Close the container with the outer lid and keep it undisturbed.
  4. Gel will be formed within 30 minutes and it will be filled up with active chlorine dioxide within 4 to 5 hours.  After 5 hours, it is ready to use.
  5. When required, open perforated side of the lid and place it in a strategic location, to get ClO2 protection .
  6. When not in use, close the lid of the container, to increase its shelf life
  7. One gel is suitable for approx 100 sq ft room and provide production for about 3 meter surrounding.  Not recommended for rooms with cross ventilation.

Application Areas: 

  • Personal protection – can be carried anywhere and used to protect oneself against virus / Bacteria.
  • Can be used in AC rooms, conference halls, while travelling, cabins, taxis, etc.


  • Keep the Gel on a stable surface. 
  • Store it away from light.
  • Do not apply on skin.

Disclaimer:  The product not meant for medicinal purpose.  Manufacturer shall not be responsible for any misuse of the product and after effects of the same.


  • Open the plastic container box containing ViraNill R sachets.  Remove the outer plastic cover and keep both the sachets inside the container.
  • Add 100ml water and leave the container open and undisturbed in the corner of the room.
ViraNill R
  • The gas released is effective over a period of 1 – 2 days approx.  Keep the container closed, when it is not required.
  • ViraNill R is effective, till the color of the solution is yellow.  When it turns pale yellow / colorless – replace it with a new sachet of ViraNill R
  • The virus and bacterial contamination in the air is disinfected with slow release of gas over longer period
  • One ViraNill R pack  recommended for 45 m 3 – 84m3 area.
  • In case of smaller areas the same container can be shifted to other rooms / the container lid can be closed  and opened after some time, to get additional protection.
  • In case of larger spaces multiple sachets can be kept at different places keeping in mind the proportional ratio for room size with the quantity of ViraNill- R


  • Keep it away from Reach of Children.
  • It is recommended for use in larger rooms only with ventilation and not to be used in closed AC rooms / small rooms.
  • In case of any one having pre-respiratory illness – avoid using this.

Disclaimer:  The product has to be used as per the suggested application method.  Manufacturer shall not be responsible for any misuse of the product and after effects of the same. The product is not meant for medicinal use

CloHance Gel Application Method

CloHance Gel
  • CloHance Gel  is provided in Premix form
  • Open the outer and inner lids.  You will see some powder and a sachet inside.  Do not remove anything from inside
  • Add about 100 ml water ( upto the mark given on the bottle).  Do not shake
  • Close the container only with the brown outer cover and wait for 4 to 5 hours
  • After approximately 5 hours, the CloHanceGel  is filled with Chlorine dioxide and become yellow
  • Place the CloHanceGel  container in strategic location in the storage area.  Open the perforated lid side, to get slow release ClO2 and protect the produce.  

  • The CloHance Gel  is useful, till the gel color is yellow, for about 15 days.
  • The white color inner lid is given for transportation purpose.  Once the gel is activated,  do not cover it with inner lid.
  • Use appropriate PPEs, while handling Chlorine dioxide products.

Given below is our ViraNill Product range Video